
Why Name Ourselves Boxfish?

Boxfish is a type of fish notable for its squared and bony features. In its physical form, the box shape resembles a universal format to denote a task/step in process modeling. This format is common among business process management and process modelling tools, similar to our platform. However, beyond that of its physical form, the Boxfish has the following attributes that are in common with our platform.

Boxfish Accelerates and Glides- The Boxfish swims in a rowing manner such that it accelerates and glides. A successful business improvement initiative typically has two key elements.

  1. Transform (Accelerate): To accelerate a business through improvements there needs to be high energy, aligned effort and strong pull towards a clear direction. Our Boxfish platform enables organisations to facilitate rapid Lean events by shortening the time it takes to model processes and analyse data, and instead focuses energy on reimagining the future. So often Lean initiatives fail as they take too long to transform causing fatigue in people. Our Boxfish approach maintains a clear focus on the problem and identifying and testing improvements to ensure the root cause is addressed.
  2. Perform (Glide): After transformation, a business typically needs some time to glide into improving performance and embedding new and changed practices. The momentum of the transformation should result in ripples that continue to expand throughout the organisation. Our Boxfish platform enables organisations to continue to measure improvements against their operating model and processes. This helps improvements to become BAU as they continue to be tracked and monitored to form part of everyday work routines. At times improvements may pivot based on learnings, which can also be measured in the Boxfish platform.

Boxfish has Extreme Agility - Whilst you would think that the Boxfish is not aerodynamic due to its rigid square shape, it’s unstable body and fins actually makes it one of the most agile fish. It records one of the lowest coefficient (resistance) of drag than any other fish. In the same vein, our Boxfish platform minimises, if not eliminates drag and creates significant agility in businesses. Removing waste in a business’s operating model and processes creates the opportunity to respond quickly to customer requirements. In an APQC survey (2018), organisations that invested in End-to-End process improvement shows significant agility to be able to:

  • Link processes and work to customer value
  • Create sustainable process improvements
  • Breakdown operational siloes
  • Shift from function-based to a process-thinking organisation
  • Establish a robust process foundation to improve agility

Boxfish are Well Protected - Boxfish are known for its well armoured skin. This armour protects it from the elements and threats of larger predators. Being a Lean organisation provides a level of armour to sustain competitive pressures by always keeping the customer at the core of all decisions. Lean focuses organisations on Voice of the Customer and understanding what their current and future needs are. Lean emphasises data-driven decisions to define customer requirements in measurable terms and how well the business is performing against those targets. Our Boxfish platform captures data in terms of an organisations operating model and process performance, and surfaces the analysis to show where efficiencies and inefficiencies reside. This enables organisations to drive improvements based on data insights to protect themselves against competition and create more customer value.

If you’d like more information on how Boxfish can benefit your business, please contact us on

Rowan Teh
Co-Founder, Boxfish

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